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Tuesday 11 October 2016

[Otaku 2016 Guide] How to Get Anime Youtube Thumbnail?

You! At least put the link in the description!


That's what every anime geeks are pissing off about. The moment when you encounter a good looking video with anime thumbnail but didn't know what anime is?

The freaking worst one is...

The guy who didn't put any reference or link to the picture in the DUCKING Description!

Oh Dear Please, That Paint editing skills o_o'

Main Topic

We can do this the easy one and the hard one ಠ_ಠ

♚ Easier One

This method is using the open source code one. Sound scary isn't? Well, try it out
  1. Open the video.
  2. Ctrl + U
  3. Go to the popped up tab
  4. Ctrl + F
  5. A majestic search bar appears
  6. Search "thumbnailURL"
  7. It'll direct you to the link. Click that link.
  8. Done. Download if you like ★~(◠‿◕✿)

Well, if reading makes you lazy, here's the video for ya

I make this video with cough.. cough.. free screen recorder.. so yeah. watch it pwease :3

Hard One

But Captain, it's still not going to tell you the anime. 

Follow the "easier one" method and continue with either of these 3 below
  1. Use google image (image search)
  2. Ask in MAL forum (sorry to say, but you need this, the community can help you)
  3. Any pages in facebook or coomunity in Google+

Here the links for ya life line :D

But seriously, be sure to post on the right sections. their moderators might lurking around with ban hammer ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )


There're so many platforms that you can use to get the anime names, the only way is to NOT BE LAZY! THE INTERNET IS YOURS! USE IT!


That's all for today ya'll folks. :3
See ya in next entry


Did you notice any grammar and typing error :3

Wanna some kawaii shy squid?

That pro editing :3

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